Thursday, July 26, 2007

Nate Miles Away From Perfect

Nate Miles is the prototypical new athlete. To outsiders it looks self-serving and at times lazy but that is the state of the game. New revelations show that there is a problem with Nate’s academic responsibilities. He was turned away by Sean Patterson of Libbey because of his liability in academics. He bounced from academy to academy and is now rehabbing in Massachusetts.

There is no question that Nate possesses fantastic court skills and he would shine on the college courts but his lack of effort in the academic part shows his work effort. Its not like Uconn wouldn’t open the doors for Miles. They have done so with Marcus Williams, who was suspended for poor grades.

To athletes sports is second nature. They were born with an ability and they know what they want to do with their life but academics takes effort, forcing them unwillingly to do what they don’t want to do. Its not fun to read and retain useless information which you know you will never need.

We must realize that these are kids often with whispering from outside sources that are not necessarily there for their benefit. They need the guidance that shows them that athletic ability can only carry you so far and it’s the work ethic like that of Emeka Okafor that will carry you to the next level.

Nate Miles is still a young kid with his future still ahead of himself but he needs to learn from the current sports scene and look at the people that surrounds him. He has the skills but lacks the commitment to become great, but that’s not going to stop the college sports machine from bringing him into the fold.

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