Ralph Willard, head coach of Holy Cross, is spitting mad. He pointed the finger at Calhoun, charging him with going to the Gazelle Group, in charge of the Coaching Versus Cancer Tournament, and asked them to take Holy Cross off the Storrs regional. Instead Uconn is playing Buffalo.
Calhoun admitted not wanting to play Holy Cross but denied taking them off the tournament. He said, “We took teams like that, like Holy Cross, and said we’d rather play Buffalo. We didn’t demand it. Those are the kind of teams that if you aren’t ready can get your confidence down pretty quick. We now have said we have no problem with Holy Cross coming here.”
The message boards are afire with Calhoun afraid to play Holy Cross. The truth isn't always black and white. The first few games are exhibition, period. These games are for seeing your team in action without the threat of losing their confidence with an early loss.
Holy Cross did get the short end of the stick. They wanted to be part of the tournament but with being a small school, they didn't want the reschedualing because it conflicted with the schools mid-terms and they declined.
Calhoun has to walk a fine line with this team. His main goal is to get these kids into The Big Dance and an early loss to Holy Cross would be a huge setback to overcome. So is Calhoun afraid to play Holy Cross? Probably, but that is a good thing for Holy Cross. It shows they have a good enough team to compete with this enigma of a Husky team.
Remember this is big money basketball. Calhoun can not have the debacle of a year ago. This team must compete in the Big East this year because with the rise of Georgetown, Louisville, Marquette, Providence and the usual powerhouses, it makes it hard for this young team to remain afloat in the standings while learning on the fly.
Be it as it may, Calhoun has the right to tweak his schedule. He must be applauded for what he has done and doing for the battle against cancer and in the end that is what this little tournament is about, not the silly bickering of Holy Cross. But I’d put a hundred down that they’ll be on the schedule next year.
Yes, cancer is what the tourney is all about. Both HC's head coach and a player have had it and beat it. The fact that HC's player had cancer, beat it and plays division 1 basketball would be a great inspiration for all kids with cancer. The fact that Calhoun would not let that happoen is deplorable. The tourney is not about Wins, or getting your team ready. Jimmy V is spinning in his grave!
ReplyDeleteSorry friend. You are completely wrong. Ralph Willard is completely justifield. JC knew of the field he might face ibn April but said nothing 'til September. Now HC had to scramble at the last minute to fill out there schedule.
ReplyDeleteThe 1st 2 exhibition games are against Assumption & Bryant and that was Calhouns chance to see his team ion action without fear of losing. The D1 season starts with the CVC tourny where you should be ready to play D1 Basketball.
HC didn't decline because they lacked the funds for extra travel. If that was so, they would have not repalced this game with a road trip to San Francisco. They didn't want to play in OK while school was in session because the HC players would have to miss to many classes in the midst of mid terms. The San Francisco trip takes place during Christmas break.
The real story goes a little deeper. HC is a mid magor but a tough one. Calhoun feared being eliminated by a mid magor and not advancing to the prestigous field that will advance to MGS more than breaking his teams confidence. He played with the weaklings last year but that only led to a VERY disappointing showing in the BE. Didn't he learn his leason?
Remember 2 years ago when Calhoun discontinued the Umass series and told ESPN that he didn't want to run with the uptempo style the coach was installing? Now he is ducking HC because of a slow style offense? Who does he want to play, Perkins School for the Blind?
This is not about money or cancer or even his teams confidence. It's about one very arrogant man's big ego. Shame on Jim Calhoun, shame on Uconn, period.
Your blog was not well written, well thought out or well researched. Excuses, excuses, excuses.... Two thumbs down!
I'm sorry that you didn't enjoy my blog post. You have made some great points. As far as being well written, I am not a professional, just a fan.
ReplyDeleteFor HC declining because of lacks of funds for extra travel, I got that from the Worcester Telegram & Gazette News. If they are wrong then I apologize.
Calhoun is in a very difficult period of his coaching tenure. He doesn't know what team he truly has and needs to baby them.
I can't believe that Calhoun based his decisions on arrogance. He wouldn't mind playing them under other circumstances.
I am not justifying Calhoun's position and even admitted that HC got the short end of the stick but I see where he is coming from, though I like the mantra of 'Anytime Anywhere'.
Ultimately the success of this francise lays at Calhoun's feet. He has garnered the clout to do what he will to his schedual and his team but in the end he can't have another season like last year.
It's not that I didn't enjoy your post. It is a complete misrepresentaion of the facts. I know your just a fan but your blog spews the typical Uconn fan propogada trying to defend your well known morally bankrupt coach.
ReplyDeleteI also wonder if you and I read the same article from the worcester telegram and gazzette because it clearly proves you are just another Uconn fan twisting the facts to suite your agenda. Here is the quote and the link.
"Holy Cross, citing concerns about travel and players missing classes during the midterm of the semester, said no to the change of venue and will not play in the tournament."
I challenge you to google "Holy Cross Jim Calhoun" and come back & tell me how many supporters there are of the sleazeball move. Dozens of blogs and message board topics will come up berrating him for what he did. Even some Uconn fans are starting to smell the rat in Jim Calhoun.
Taking this one step further, you should look for articles about him written by the media about his bully tactics and indescritions. Jim Calhoun, especially in recent years, has become known for this. He belongs in the Basketball Hall of Shame, period.
Hey David, I see you changed your blog after I called you on the lacking funds for extra travel comment. Typical Uconn move, backpeddle when questioned. Jim Calhoun would be proud.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to get the story correct. Thanks for the discrepancy, I looked it up again and noticed it. It still doesn't change the overall voice of the piece.
ReplyDeleteI don't see Calhoun like the Stalin you see him as. Just ask his players. He might have hurt another program to help his own and that isn't right but it isn't like it has never been done before. Pat Summit just did it and that is at the detrement of the whole ladies basketball progam.
I just don't see the horror of the whole situation.
Stalin? I do see Calhoun as a great example of what is wrong with college basketball.
ReplyDeleteI wonder which players you want me to ask. How 'bout Rob Garrison? Maybe Marcus Cox? What about Craig Austrie? Ben Eaves? Even Jon Mandeldove? Hey lets ask Donell Beverly in a couple years too. All his litle temporary band aides that that were or will be recruited over. I wonder what Ed Nelson would say?
You can also tell me about how others do it. But few have the broad array of indescritions as Calhoun.