Friday, December 21, 2007

Two of UConn's Best Clash

From The Detroit News:

Ray Allen and Richard Hamilton actually do like each other -- but you would never know it the way they go after each other on the court.

"It's a lot of fun," said Hamilton, who started at UConn the year after Allen left.

"I love it. It's an old Connecticut thing. He was the stepping stone for me at the school. It's always a great challenge."

Allen scored 24 points to Hamilton's 21. Combined, the two former Huskies made 17 of 24 shots -- pretty good marksmanship considering how aggressively they guarded each other.

They hacked and whacked on one another most of the game. It was not unlike watching Hamilton battle Kirk Hinrich of the Bulls.

"Nah, it's a little different," Hamilton said, smiling. "With Ray it's in good nature."

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