We are watching the metamorphosis of A.J. Price. He took this team on his shoulders and willed them to victory. Shouldering most of the offensive load, he did a little of everything, from pulling down 7 boards to scoring 20 points. Having two point guards in the game has stabilized the half court offense and broke the full court pressure, leading to several easy buckets. Austrie’s line isn’t impressive but his ability to seal the game in the end is his greatest asset. What doesn’t show up in the box score is his ability to beat the press and break down the defense with dribble penetration.
Look how Robinson’s game flourishes when he is getting his nose bloodied while rebounding. He pulled down 5 offensive boards, got to the line with put backs and outplayed Louisville’s talented forwards. He is also creating his shot off the dribble and they are starting to sink. I’m salivating when thinking about how good this kid will be in a year or two.
Hasheem had problems rebounding and needs more than 2. He only got to the line once, which is unlike him recently. He’s improved on the offensive front and free throw line but he needs to work on position rebounding and switching off on players. Sometimes he gets in no man’s land on defense. Adrien gives ultimate effort. He battled on the boards with 4 offensive rebounds and has improved at the line, going 6 out of 7.
Mandeldove, Gavin and Kelly all came in and contributed. They had to fill in minutes for the fatigued front line and didn’t let Louisville go on a spurt. Beverly had another solid day. He didn’t force the issue and dribble into trouble. He needs to have more confidence in his offense and take the shot if it is there.
The Wiggins and Dyson drama continues. Its sad that Wiggins couldn’t keep his nose out of trouble after the revelation that he failed a prior drug test earlier in the year. He was just beginning to find his role on the team and emerge as an offensive weapon. Dyson has the most to lose here, simply because he has so much talent. Its got to feel terrible that they had to watch from the sidelines but it should also kick them down a peg that UConn still won their two biggest games without them and the perimeter and half court sets were the best all year.
Losing Johnson, Dyson and Wiggins has created a very short bench for the pups. If Dyson and Wiggins should be out for an extended period, UConn is going to fatigue down the stretch. So far the team has risen to the occasion but with a major chunk of the Big East schedule to go, UConn is going to need Dyson.
Next up is Pittsburgh. Who knows which team will arrive here, the one that beat Georgetown or the one that lost to Rutgers? Either one, UConn needs to keep up the battle on the boards. That and hope Price stays hot.
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